To integrate the supply chain from the producer to the consumer. To raise, process and produce the most tender and healthy locally-raised 100% grassfed grass-finished beef in a manner that protects and enhances the environment. Our cows rotationally graze in pasture forage, wide open fields, and plenty of Florida sunshine. Locally grown, locally sold.
Florida, unlike most of the United States, has ideal conditions to support local grassfed grass-finished producers as it enjoys sunshine, abundant water, enriched soils and ideal weather year-round.
Our 100% grass fed & finished, free range cattle, roam around hundreds of thousands of acres of Florida ranch grasslands. Our cattle forage for their food across naturally occurring grasses and are never given corn, pellets, silage, antibiotics or added growth hormones. Industry research has shown that industrial grain based feedlot operations expose cattle to inhumane conditions, require intensive consumption of fossil fuels and produce much higher levels of environment pollutants than our free range approach.
Grass-finished beef comes from cattle that ate nothing but grass and forage for their entire lives. Grassfed, on the other hand, may be used to label meat from cattle that were started on a grass diet but have either received supplemental grain feed or are finished on a fully grain-based diet.
The grassfed cows had more omega-3’s and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Just 80 days of grain feeding was enough to destroy the omega-3 content of the beef. CLA content plummeted in the same amount of time. The longer the animals were fed grains, the lower the quality of the meat.
American Grassfed Association - AGA
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